1. You need to understand modernism to understand post
2. Breaking the structure of modernism
3. Binary opposite which belongs in modernism
So you need to understand use modernism to do post modernism, but postmodern wants to throw that away and forget
Post modernism is a paradox and is ironic
Wreck it Ralph is modern in terms of prosumerism and interactivity audience vs text
Self for filling idea
Period of time - rejected modernism when ?
Stylistic - stronger than 1980's looks like?
Theoretical - thinks like ?
Lyotard - truth has to be deconstructed - when, period of time - collapse in structure
Baudrillard - theoretical thinks like? - hyper reality and simulacra
Jameson - looks like, stylistic - 1980s strengthens - intertexuality - simulacra
We live in post modernity now
Wir is post modern because :
Baudrillard - simulacra and hyper real
Breaking representation of masculinity - collapsing of structure candy saga
Lack of belief in progress - dystopia - halo rip off
It was made in a post modern era - uses intertexuality - pac man, halo
traditional theories
Starts in 1980s - computers audience v text
Post modern is a teenagers all about me
Modern beliefs - religion belief patriotism nuclear family
Baudrillard - is it using post modern ideas on purpose - a Disney film?
Happy ending
Good over evil but it's complicated
More notes
1. Collapsing of structures
2. Rejecting of traditional ideas
3. Emptiness and lack of belief
The Japan nuclear bomb made humanity lose trust, because any second the world can be gone by a bomb. Technology was too advanced and could end the world. This was the start of post modernism because of this event.
Technology was advanced during the 80's, leading to a lack of belief, no future. Post modernism was growing stronger, hyper reality becoming more popular. People were rejecting traditional ideas, and developing reality into hyper reality. An example of people starting to become trapped by a game. No emergency services. Lost trust in both emergency services police and government. Being reborn so a post modern representation.
This film is a Dystopia film and is so popular because of a lack of belief that anything can get any better. The collapsing structure of theories is shown here, through hyper reality, to show the future.
No progress distopia
1980 explores simulation and hyper reality
Must refer to an earlier text tron to wreck it Ralph
What is post modern:
After modern age - not modernist theory's
Breaking structures and collapsing
Not traditional rejects traditional ideas doesn't conform to modernism
Emptiness and lack of beliefs
After ww2 nuclear bomb Japan - no trust no belief
Simulacra - technology be someone else consumerism - imagine
No progress
A theory but it is just a theory ....
First paragraph - define and explain
60's traditional ideas were breaking
Hippies tv women's rights
Gradual change weakening from 45 to 60's a relationship
The strengthening what the exam is about
Shown through media texts
New media
Now convergence - combined into 1
Prosumers - we can make videos youtube
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