Our music video is to a song called Steady Heart by the Archytypes, our music video is a concept/narrative music video, following a early 20 year old male, through his journey of getting out of a bad time in his life caused by his alcoholic mother. He copes with his problems by acting the same way as his mother. Our target audience are both genders in their 20's. I will write about how our music video is equally following modernism and post-modern theories/theorists, and is both traditional and breaking the mould.
Our music video does not conform to the traditional they of feminism and the male graze, but uses it to advance our music video technically. We have a set of shots, as our main character walks out of a cafe with his coffe, he bumps into a woman. After these shots showing this, closeups are used to section up her body, showing voyeurism this would agree to Mulvey's theory that woman are for male gaze. But the last closeup shoes what the woman is holding a ballon with 'Mum' on. We have used these shots in this order, to 'fool' the audience into thinking bad of the main character (woman), ut if we did this our female audience, within our target audience, would not appeal. This shows a deeper meaning, and makes a connection with the audience, creating an emotional image to the band.
Marxism is both shown and not shown, in different ways. It is shown because our main character, a man, drinks a lot of alcohol, 'which is common sense for a man to do', but this prop is used to show the link with his mother, also an alcoholic. The cool colour scheme, colour grading, and low key lighting are also masculin, because of the rough and cold mood created. But this is equally not applying to our music video, because he is so emotional, alone and vulnerable, again adding this depth and emotion to the image of our band, so there rough loud music is not all that represents them. The dominant ideology, does not exist in our music video, because he hasn't got power his 'demons' do.
We do have hyper reality as a big theme in our music video, in order to create a 'trippy', unrealistic atmosphere. In our music video we use green screen frequently, as our style, in order to metaphorically show his re-birth into excepting his mothers alcoholism and her abusing him mentally. Our rebirth will be shown by his staue/god like figure faling into a railway track, the train complements his mental journey throughout our music video,and then falling onto his white (pure) bed. As well as a good and bad version of him on his shoulders, to show his demons. We agree with Baudrillad's post-modernism theory, because our representation of reality is surreal, by using hyper realism, which adds to the image of our band.
Our music video, represents reality in a surreal way, but we have some realistic elements in order to relate to our target audience. Merrin states that we do not represent realty but produce it, which I agree with. We represent it in a surreal way, with green screen, but we produce a realistic element of emotion, regret, self loafing and isolation, by having lots of space in our shots and self abusing with alcohol. But also give a message that you can get over a bad time, as shown by our re-birth at the end.
In conclusion our music video is equally traditional and breaking the mould, as it is not following some traditional theories, but following others. Our music video must be traditional in order to relate to out target market, but also must not be in order to create that 'trippy' atmosphere, which is our style, and to be a concept/narrative video. If it was just traditional it may be too boring for our target audience, but with the hyper reality, marxism and representation of reality it is not.
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