Blue - Talking about my coursework in relation to the theorists theories.
Representation Definition - The description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way (stereotypes). For representation to be meaningful to audiences there needs to be shared recognition of people, situations, ideas etc.
Our thriller had two characters, which are going against gender stereotypes. 'The Red Caller' was a strong, powerful woman, which is a binary opposite of a heroin character, which the business man was, also going against the stereotype.
Preferred representation - all representations have different ideologies, some are encoded into texts other are left out in order, to give a preferred representation - Levi Strauss 1958.
Richard Dyer:
Asked a few questions, when analysing media representations in general.
1. What sense of the world is it making?
It is following the modern ideology, than woman can be more powerful than a man, not following the weak female stereotype.
2. What does it imply? Is it typical of the world deviant?
It implies that our thriller wants to entice a larger audience, now this modern ideology is popular.
3. Who is it speaking to? For whom? To whom?
To the younger generation, born into his ideology, and to young men (provocative woman).
4. What does it represent to us and why? How do we respond to the representation?
The audience responds to this representation, in a positive way.
In our coursework we will be looking at representation in these following terms:
6.FEMINISM - support of woman's rights on the ground of equality oft he sex's.
7.POSTMODERNISM - After traditional. Present.
8.STEREOTYPES - The popular image of a group, before getting to know them.
1. Ideologies and representation - Marxism - A hegemonic view (masculine, powerful view) of society - inequalities in power between social groups, groups in power influence culturally rather than by force. Concept has origins in this theory, ruling capitalist class are able to protect their economic interests. Representations are encoded into mass media texts, to reinforce dominant ideologies in society.
Rosalind Brunt - Ideologies are not simple ideas in peoples heads bit are myths that we live by and which contribute to our self worth.
The ideology of out thriller was feminism, because our female character had the most power.
David Gauntlett 2002 - argues that ''identities are not 'given' but are constructed and negotiated.''
At the begging 'The Red Caller' did not have an identity, but it was built throughout the opening.
David Gauntlett 2007 - argues that ''Identity is complicated. Everybody thinks they've got one. Artists play with the idea of identity in modern society.'', The identity of 'The Red Caller'', is complicated, it is found out more towards the end, but the business man is known throughout, because of his stereotypical costume.
Michel Maffesoli - identifies the idea of the ''Urban tribe'' - members of these groups tend to have similar worldwide views/ideologies, dress styles and behaviours.Collective identity
We did not have a collective identity as such, but the business man is a stereotypical man who works in London.
2. Gender and ideology - Feminism - Masculinity and femininity are socially constructed. Ideas about gender are produced and reflected in language - O'Sullivan et al 1998 - No - we don't have much dialogue in our thriller.
Feminism is a label that refers to a broad range of views containing one shared assumption, that gender inequalities in society are exercised at right of woman's interest in rights. In relation to film, objectification of woman's bodies in the media has been a constant theme.
Laura Mulvey - Argues that the dominant point of view is masculine. The female body is displayed for male graze, therefore woman are objectified by the camera whatever the gender the audience is positioned to accept masculine point of view. We did not use male graze, in order to maybe entice a female audience.
John Berger - 'Ways of seeing', ''Men act and woman appear'' ''Men look at woman. Women watch themselves being looked at'' ''Woman are aware of being seen by a male spectator''
In our thriller Woman act and men appear.
3. Post modernism representations of reality -
Julian McDougall 2009 - 'In a media saturated world, the distinction between reality and media representations become blurred or invisible to us' The London relation makes our thriller blurred.
Example: Dominic Strinati 1995 - Modern period came before - people were concerned with representing reality, but now this gets mixed around and we end up with pastiche, parody and intertexuallity. ''Reality is now only definable in terms of the reflections of the mirror.''blurred
Merrin 2005 - Argues that ''the media do not reflect and represent reality but instead produce it, employing this simulation to justify their own continuing existence''.Ours wants to challenge stereotypes, perhaps alter peoples ideas about gender.
Walter Lippmann 1956 - The word stereotype wasn't meant to be negative and was simply meant as a shortcut or ordering process. In ideology terms, stereotyping is a means by which support is provided by one groups differential against another.No, gender stereotypes, we have challenged so we would not offend.
Orrin E. Klapps 1962 - Distinction between stereotypes and social types is helpful. Stereotypes are people who do not belong, and social types it those who do. Our stereotypes do and don't, the 'Red caller' does not a stereotype, bus the business man does more so is more of a social type.
Richard Dyer - Suggests Klapps distinction can be reworked in terms of the types produced by different social groups.
Baudrillard - Discussed the concept of hypereality - we inhabit a society that is not longer made up of any original thing for a sign to represent. He argued that we live in a society of simulacra - simulations of reality that replace the real. Our thriller was hyper real, because it is not very possible this person would exist, but it is not imposable.
Our thriller does not follow traditional representation theories, because we have gone against stereotypes/challenged them, to avoid offending.
matching video's with the theory/theorists:
Representaions of reality - Merrin, hyperreal Baudrillard
Gender and ideology - Feminism-Laura Mulvey - John Berger, Klapp social types
marxism-hyper real - Baudrillard
Baudrillard-Hyper real, Representaions of reality - Merrin
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