Thursday, 2 October 2014

Genre Theorists - Sophie Bishop

Daniel Chandler: 
Created the word genre, which means a style or category of media. All genres have sub genres.
YES A mystery and phycological thriller.

Steve Neale:
Say's that genres is not a structure but a process. Genre characteristics, including: Typical mise-en-scene/visual style,  typical types of narrative (plots, historical setting and set pieces), generic types (i.e typical characters, do typical male/female roles exist), typical personnel (directors, producers, actors and stars), typical sound design(sound design, dialogue, sic and sound effects) and typical editing style
 NO a structure.
YES The genre of our opening sequence was a thriller, because of mise-en-scene, plot, characters, stereotypes, sound, dialog, Foley and editing style.

Jason Mittell:
Genres are a cultural category and genre allows audience to make choices.
YES We had London as the location, which is a big part of Britain's culture. Our sequence is a thriller, and has a lot of mystery (enigma code), allowing the audience to make up there choices about our plot, outcome etc.

Rick Altman:
Emotional, visceral ('gut' response) and intellectual puzzle pleasures are what Altman believed are an outcome of genre.
Emotional pleasure -  sympathy for the businessman character. 
Visceral pleasure - different emotions cased by mystery.
Intellectual puzzles - mystery

Nicholas Abercrombie:
Believes boundaries within genre are changing/shifting.
NO because it is very much following traditional conventions, and only had one genre. Not a hybrid.

David Buckingham:
negotiation and change YES

NO a structure.

In conclusion my thriller followed traditional conventions of genre mostly from the modernism era, including our location (London), which is common because it is so well known, the colour grading, very cool cold colours were used, we had a plot of blackmail and we had a villain and a heroin also used frequently. But following some post modernism theory's. 

Why? - to appeal to a traditional thriller audience young adult male, who appreciate traditional techniques/conventions. It leans towards traditional modernism conventions more, only one it does not follow, because it was at the beginning of our year, as we were developing our skills, so we followed the rules. 

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