Friday, 28 November 2014
Sophie Bishop - Wreck it Ralph Homework
Collapsing of the structure/boundary:
The structure begins with a stereotypical Hero and villain, theses roles switch allowing the non stereotypical hero to save the game. The structure is non linear as it is not a clear equilibrium etc, this is in order to stretch the boundary. The boundary is stretched because of these stereotypes being broken, and the many genres within the film, the different games int he arcade.
Representation of Gender:
The film represents a stereotypical
male, from Ralph being violent in his game and become angry. But is also shows
a more feminine male because of Felix’s character, being small and fragile.
The character types in the film are not clear to begin with, to begin with Felix is the Hero, Ralph is the villain (in the Wreck it Ralph Game) and Vaneloppe is the princess (heroin). These roles then reverse, Ralph is the hero saving Felix, Vaneloppe and the game its self. Calhoun is continuously the hero in the whole film, but she is not a lead character, but is always there. She saves Felix and helps the game but not as much as Ralph, but she has a Gun to help this Ralph does not, giving her an advantage.
Representation Human or game character:
The whole film is animated, so the people characters are not 'real' people but are compared to the game characters. The children/people in the arcade playing the game I think have been added to give the film a realistic touch. Disney have given the game characters human characteristics, so the audience can make an emotional attachment, therefore enjoying the film more and perhaps buying into other features, such as the individual 'retro' games and usual merchandise.
Genre - Video Games:
This film has a hybrid is genres, including comedy, animation and action. These genres are traditional, but in contrast to these traditional genres it could also fit into perhaps another category video games, which is post modern.
Audience: Interactive or Part of the text?
The audience of Disney are form all age groups, so the film can connect with these but also because the games are 'Retro' and nostalgic it will attract people from those eras. The audience may get a feeling of nostalgia when watching the film, making them feel part of the film/text.
Representation - Simulated, world and reality:
This film is a simulation because is is based on video games, it is cartoon so cannot be reality.
Lack of belief/faith in progress or big ideas(morality - are there any 'Disney' messages at the end?, Morality or Religious values?:
As all Disney films there is a message, a 'moral' message to become a hero/good rather than being the villain/bad. But the message can also be viewed as sexiest, also like other Disney films, that to be a man you have to be strong and save the girl. The lack of belief in the characters start off deflated but towards the end they increase. There are no clear religiouse values, but their are traditions such as the race.
Theories of PM - Hyper reality, simulation:
Hyper reality and simulation re the main themes int he film, as the film is animated it is hyper real. As well as the non realistic behaviours and actions too.
Stylistic Approach:
The whole film is promoted as 'retro' the characters also even talk about this int he film. These 'retro' themes are there to sell to older consumers.
Intertexuality references (parody or pastiche):
This theme is mainly seen as a homage to Fix it Felix, so a pastiche. Also games such as Pac Man are seen in the central area/train station, which adds tot he nostalgia theme of the film . It could also e seen as a parody, as the Candy race game is a parody to Mario Cart, the game is very similar but the characters and colour schemes are different.
The stylistic parts, different games, are adapted and blurred throughout the film, adding to the nostalgia theme throughout.
Self Reflexive (irony and playful):
The film is constructed well, in order to link together creating nostalgia.
In what ways (1-3) and to what extent does WIR qualify as Post modern (PM):
Wreck it Ralph is postmodernism, because of the Disney film being nostalgic, we can only look back. Also the film includes hyper reality and simulation, the whole film is animated so from a stylistic view it in aesthetically postmodern. But a huge part of this film being postmodern is the fact it is a hybrid, plus fits into a category which is not traditional, as well as the structure being blurred and stretched through non traditional ideologies and challenging traditional stereotypes. This film is post modern to attract all audiences of all ages, because it is stylistically post modern is looks colourful and young, but it also attracts older audiences because of the nostalgic aspect. Disney wants to gain profit by using intertextuality to their advantage.
Intertextual mood board:
These are all the interetextual references the film makes, parody and pastiche.
Nostalgia and cultural recycling - Jameson
Style over substance 'retro'
How does your familiarity with and immersion with the characters change how you read the text - how does Nostalgia makes it's meaning richer? 300 words
The characters take the audience back to a time when they were younger, they are familiar with these character in Wreck it Ralph, this nostalgia affects the way the audience see the film and enjoy it. As soon as they hear about the film, this immediately creates the nostalgic feeling, and makes them want to see it. As they watch the film this nostalgic feeling will affect the film, if the film is bad at least they are revisiting their past. The film makes the audience exciting and happy, and emotionally invested in the film, because they feel they are 'past friends' because these characters were so involved in their childhood. As the film is Disney they will already have a young audience, this young audience will hear about these characters from their parentS. Also retro games are popular now so they may know these characters. The pastiche aspect is what creates the nostalgia, their is also some parody aspect this entertains the audience, because they get the characters they will get any jokes made. The intertextual references in the film include Fix it Felix, Street Fighter 2, Tron, Halo, Pac man and Rampage. The film combine the references so they interact with each other, which the audience enjoys seeing their past come together. Because the references are different genres this makes the film a hybrid. The whole film is playful and ironic, the lighthearted film has the characters act differently to perhaps they used to making it playful, and giving the audience some contrast.
Cultural Recycling:
Jameson is the main theorist linked to this theory. The random collection of various pasts styles - erasing historical depth - Postmodern cultural recycling Example Wreck it Ralph, combining the intertexualities creating a new - parody and pastiche.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Key Terms and Examples
Characteristics for the way post modernism looks
Key terms
Simulacra - realist forms of media, part of hyperreality. Reality it's self is saturated
Parody & Pastiche - referring to existing texts.
Homage - paying tribute to influences
Makes sense of meaning of the reference
Hyper reality - making something that's real simulated so it appears to be better than it originally is - photoshop
Bricolage - the process of adaptation or improvisation, aspects of one style are given different meanings.
Stylistic features with combination of multiple. Doctors tardis - old type writer with a modern viewer.
Hybridity - mixing and sampling different types of kinds and levels.
Recycles the old
Hip Hop - DJ Shadows
Dislocation from time & space
Self Reflexivity - constructed simulation or reproduction. Using hyper reality and using it to make reference.
Wolverine - atomic bombs, and war - intertexuality
Matrix - hyperreality
Lady gaga telephone (parody) - parody
Death to videodrome - hyperreality
Doctor who - hyperreality - isn't real. Also homage because it's showing Winston Churchill in a good way. Dislocation to time and space
Pulp fiction - style over substance
Wrecking ball - hyperreality
Aphex Twin - simulacra - strange faces
Dead set (Davina Zombie) - hyperreality, self reflectivity
Simulacra - reality is saturated - photoshop
Parody and Pastiche - uses intertexuality as a homage sometimes - paying tribute to its influences comedy
Hybridity - a mix of levels
Bricolage -process of adaptation or improvisation where aspects of one style are given meanings when compared and collide with stylistic features from another combination. Doctors tardis
Hyper real- enhanced or unreal
Dislocation from time and space
Self reflexivity - is it a simulation ? Or reproduction
Wolverine atomic bomb scene:
Matrix desert the real:
Hyper reality
Lady gaga telephone parody:
Death to videodrome:
Hyper reality
Doctor who Churchill
Homage, hyper reality, dislocation from time and space
Royal with cheese pulp fiction
Style over substance
Miley cyrus - wrecking ball
Hyper realityAphex twin:
Dead set:
Hyper reality, self reflexivity
Sophie Bishop more pre reading
-3 states -
What has caused emptiness - the pessimistic view, and hyper reality and we are preferring artificial to real. Style over substance. Lack of faith 'I will only believe in what I can see' a rejection what we're told to do, there is still some faith
Aesthetic, historical - ww2 and philosophically
Baudrillard simulation, leotard - collapse of grande narratives original start with the dad, Jameson - stylistic theorist hybridity
Difference - post is after modernism, Post-modern media, is a text which doesn't follow and does not trusts modernism ideals and theories. Rather than modernism, post modernism is not traditional ideologies and theories. 'A loss of faith' 'the people started to question, didn't want to be told' ' do we trust these people' rejecting everything before
-What is it built on: fictional ideas two foundations
Technology and consumerism
Technology slows us to become hyper real
Technology slows us to become hyper real
Consumerism - clothes the exspression
What has caused emptiness - the pessimistic view, and hyper reality and we are preferring artificial to real. Style over substance. Lack of faith 'I will only believe in what I can see' a rejection what we're told to do, there is still some faith
-Birth: historical events holocaust and atomic bombs Japan 1960 onwards
Was it made in the era - history
Does it think - p
Does it look - aesthetic
Some modern aspects - breakdown
Parody and Pastiche
Hyperreality - a mix of levels
Dislocation from time and space
Postmodernism revision - Sophie Bishop
Essay Response:
What do we mean by post-modern media?
Post-modern media, is a text which doesn't follow, but distrusts modernism ideals and theories. Rather than modernism, post modernism is not traditional ideologies and theories. Post modernism is a distrust in modernism theories. Postmodernism is characterised as superficial and empty, because of hyperreality, Baudrillard, and how we now want artificial rather than the real 'stuff'.
What do they have in common?
They are all about destruction and conflicts, their is sympathy built in all in some way or another. They all are about buildings, being destroyed or used to destroy other things. The masculine role is the most prominent in all, 'Wreck It Ralph and the game. Wreck it Ralph and the game are hyper real, whereas the video is real. The main genre would be action.
Whats the exam about?
Why are some media products described as ‘postmodern’?
Fragmented structure/non-linear narrative - not a clear begging, middle and end, or they are not in that order.
Challenging of meta-narrative (Lyotard) - narrative aboutnarratives of historical meaning, experience or knowledge, which offers a society legitimation through the anticipated completion of a (as yet unrealised) master idea - Online definition
Playing with time and space (Strinati) - blurr time - 500 days of summer example
Emphasis of style over substance and context (Strinati) - ex. the advert is much better than the actual product, a bands style may be better than their music, but this sells.
Challenging cultural imperialism and mass production
Conventions of genre challenged/subverted
Breakdown of distinctions between high art and pop culture (Strinati)
Asks questions not giving answers, allowing audience interpretation
Juxtaposing old and new to make new meaning (bricolage)
Intertextuality - influence from another media text.
Multiplicity of meanings linked to audience interpretations
Post WW2-war being a catalyst for postmodernism
Parody and pastiche – creating something new through imitation, homage (tribute)
Web 2.0 and new technologies allowing people to become producers/celebrities outside traditional/mainstream methods
Instantaneity – accessibility now
Culture is no longer viewed as art mirroring life but a reality in itself (Strinati)
Experimentation with new forms – not necessarily the ‘glossy’ Hollywood approach
Meaning and purpose holds more significance than the skill involved in making it
Photoshop movement changing how we see reality
Cult of celebrity – celebrity obsessed society – style over substance
Truth is created and doesn’t exist in any objective sense
Text goes beyond what it is and comments on society
No single definition – open to interpretation – concept crosses art, media, literature, architecture, music, society
States of hyper reality (Baudrillard and simulacra)
What do we mean by post-modern media?
Post-modern media, is a text which doesn't follow, but distrusts modernism ideals and theories. Rather than modernism, post modernism is not traditional ideologies and theories. Post modernism is a distrust in modernism theories. Postmodernism is characterised as superficial and empty, because of hyperreality, Baudrillard, and how we now want artificial rather than the real 'stuff'.
The game 'Rampage'
What do they have in common?
They are all about destruction and conflicts, their is sympathy built in all in some way or another. They all are about buildings, being destroyed or used to destroy other things. The masculine role is the most prominent in all, 'Wreck It Ralph and the game. Wreck it Ralph and the game are hyper real, whereas the video is real. The main genre would be action.
Whats the exam about?
What is meant by ‘postmodern media’?
Why are some media products described as ‘postmodern’?
Explain how certain kinds of media can be defined as postmodern.
Explain why the idea of ‘postmodern media’ might be considered controversial
“Postmodern media blur the boundary between reality and representation.” Discuss this idea with reference to media texts that you have studied.
Discuss why some people are not convinced by the idea of postmodern media.
To what extent does a Postmodern text of your choice challenge existing forms and conventions of traditional media?
To what extent does a Postmodern text of your choice challenge existing forms and conventions of traditional media?
All require:
- A comparison of 2 x Contemporary PoMo Media (Style vs themes/forms)
- 1 Historical reference (Earlier post-modern text - how it has developed eg Fight Club/Matrix/Music Video)
- A Future prediction (all films CGI like Scott Pilgrim, will there be a rejection of PoMo? All shows vacuous & empty fake TOWIE, all show audience involved like Xfactor, DIGI-MODERNISM)
- Arguments for and against how they are/aren't post-modern
- Examples
Fragmented structure/non-linear narrative - not a clear begging, middle and end, or they are not in that order.
Challenging of meta-narrative (Lyotard) - narrative aboutnarratives of historical meaning, experience or knowledge, which offers a society legitimation through the anticipated completion of a (as yet unrealised) master idea - Online definition
Playing with time and space (Strinati) - blurr time - 500 days of summer example
Emphasis of style over substance and context (Strinati) - ex. the advert is much better than the actual product, a bands style may be better than their music, but this sells.
Challenging cultural imperialism and mass production
Conventions of genre challenged/subverted
Breakdown of distinctions between high art and pop culture (Strinati)
Asks questions not giving answers, allowing audience interpretation
Juxtaposing old and new to make new meaning (bricolage)
Intertextuality - influence from another media text.
Multiplicity of meanings linked to audience interpretations
Post WW2-war being a catalyst for postmodernism
Parody and pastiche – creating something new through imitation, homage (tribute)
Web 2.0 and new technologies allowing people to become producers/celebrities outside traditional/mainstream methods
Instantaneity – accessibility now
Culture is no longer viewed as art mirroring life but a reality in itself (Strinati)
Experimentation with new forms – not necessarily the ‘glossy’ Hollywood approach
Meaning and purpose holds more significance than the skill involved in making it
Photoshop movement changing how we see reality
Cult of celebrity – celebrity obsessed society – style over substance
Truth is created and doesn’t exist in any objective sense
Text goes beyond what it is and comments on society
No single definition – open to interpretation – concept crosses art, media, literature, architecture, music, society
States of hyper reality (Baudrillard and simulacra)
Master Narratives and metanarratives of history, culture and national identity as accepted before WWII (American-European myths of progress). Myths of cultural and ethnic origin accepted as received.
Progress accepted as driving force behind history. | Suspicion and rejection of Master Narratives for history and culture; local narratives, ironic deconstruction of master narratives: counter-myths of origin. "Progress" seen as a failed Master Narrative. |
Faith in "Grand Theory" (totalizing explanations in history, science and culture) to represent all knowledge and explain everything. | Rejection of totalizing theories; pursuit of localizing and contingent theories. |
Faith in, and myths of, social and cultural unity, hierarchies of social-class and ethnic/national values, seemingly clear bases for unity. | Social and cultural pluralism, disunity, unclear bases for social/national/ ethnic unity. |
Master narrative of progress through science and technology. | Skepticism of idea of progress, anti-technology reactions, neo-Luddism; new age religions. |
Sense of unified, centered self; "individualism," unified identity. | Sense of fragmentation and decentered self; multiple, conflicting identities. |
Idea of "the family" as central unit of social order: model of the middle-class, nuclear family. Heterosexual norms. | Alternative family units, alternatives to middle-class marriage model, multiple identities for couplings and childraising. Polysexuality, exposure of repressed homosexual and homosocial realities in cultures. |
Hierarchy, order, centralized control. | Subverted order, loss of centralized control, fragmentation. |
Faith and personal investment in big politics (Nation-State, party). | Trust and investment in micropolitics, identity politics, local politics, institutional power struggles. |
Root/Depth tropes. Faith in "Depth" (meaning, value, content, the signified) over "Surface" (appearances, the superficial, the signifier). | Rhizome/surface tropes. Attention to play of surfaces, images, signifiers without concern for "Depth". Relational and horizontal differences, differentiations. |
Crisis in representation and status of the image after photography and mass media. | Culture adapting to simulation, visual media becoming undifferentiated equivalent forms, simulation and real-time media substituting for the real. |
Faith in the "real" beyond media, language, symbols, and representations; authenticity of "originals." | Hyper-reality, image saturation, simulacra seem more powerful than the "real"; images and texts with no prior "original". "As seen on TV" and "as seen on MTV" are more powerful than unmediated experience. |
Dichotomy of high and low culture (official vs. popular culture). Imposed consensus that high or official culture is normative and authoritative, the ground of value and discrimination. | Disruption of the dominance of high culture by popular culture. Mixing of popular and high cultures, new valuation of pop culture, hybrid cultural forms cancel "high"/"low" categories. |
Mass culture, mass consumption, mass marketing. | Demassified culture; niche products and marketing, smaller group identities. |
Art as unique object and finished work authenticated by artist and validated by agreed upon standards. | Art as process, performance, production, intertextuality. Art as recycling of culture authenticated by audience and validated in subcultures sharing identity with the artist. |
Knowledge mastery, attempts to embrace a totality. Quest for interdisciplinary harmony. Paradigms: The Library and The Encyclopedia. | Navigation through information overload, information management; fragmented, partial knowledge; just-in-time knowledge. Paradigms: The Web. |
Broadcast media, centralized one-to-many communications. Paradigms: broadcast networks and TV. | Digital, interactive, client-server, distributed, user-motivated, individualized, many-to-many media. Paradigms: Internet file sharing, the Web and Web 2.0. |
Centering/centeredness, centralized knowledge and authority. | Dispersal, dissemination, networked, distributed knowledge. |
Determinacy, dependence, hierarchy. | Indeterminacy, contingency, polycentric power sources. |
Seriousness of intention and purpose, middle-class earnestness. | Play, irony, challenge to official seriousness, subversion of earnestness. |
Sense of clear generic boundaries and wholeness (art, music, and literature). | Hybridity, promiscuous genres, recombinant culture, intertextuality, pastiche. |
Design and architecture of New York and Berlin. | Design and architecture of LA and Las Vegas |
Clear dichotomy between organic and inorganic, human and machine. | Cyborgian mixing of organic and inorganic, human and machine and electronic. |
Phallic ordering of sexual difference, unified sexualities, exclusion/bracketing of pornography. | Androgyny, queer sexual identities, polymorphous sexuality, mass marketing of pornography, porn style mixing with mainstream images. |
The book as sufficient bearer of the word. The library as complete and total system for printed knowledge. | Hypermedia as transcendence of the physical limits of print media. The Web as infinitely expandable, centerless, inter-connected information system. |
Postmodernism comes after modernism.
Postmodernism believes nothing can be new, hybrids and remakes.
Technology for technologies sake - Iphone
Derrida - Everything becomes superficial and empty, no meaning under the surface.
"Meta Narratives" big theories or ideas that attempt to understand using the same approach (predicted grades, race theory and gender identity).
Culture tends to be pessimistic, questioning right and wrong. (batman, politics and terrorism)
Has all knowledge been written from the winning team? Foucault
Style over substance - ripped jeans
Hyper real, we prefer the artificial to the real 'stuff'
Culture and society become inverted (social networking)
A virtual me:
This is a simulation/virtual me. It is hyper real, because it is an animation.
Lesson Notes
Hyper reality
9/11 images on TV - postmodernism
Jean- framcois lyotard and jean baudrillard in the post modernism world media texts are used challenge the idea of truth and reality, removing the story and images.
Baudrillard - can't tell the different between reality or fakery (hyper reality)
Postmodernism - flow and immersion. Showing something to be enjoyed
Disneyland - postmodernism world, place within the real world, but with a fictional purpose.
GTA - game, fake. Game world relies on unpleasant model
Player and character - story, character, narrative
Isn't real
People form communities through social media, you're involved
Producing something
Ludology and narratology
Selling products that have already been made. Re making transformers.
All been done before
Olden days - use to believe
No technology
Loving relationships - families
Theorises - science
People don't believe in government
Not a belief in nothing, you reject the big ideas that you've been told to believe in
Superficial - no depth or meaning
Collapsed - post modernism
Post modernism - structures collapsing
Narrative breaks structure as well
Traditional - modernist ideas, modernism
Breaking the structures - post modernism
Post modernism is breaking what modernism is trying to do
Post modernism and modernism are brinary opposites
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